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Scheduling Virtual Machines

Scheduling individual virtual machines

Scheduling on specific hosts is not always advantageous and can adversely affect the uptime of virtual machines by denying them access to compute hosts. Rules forcing virtual machines onto only one or two hosts can result in the virtual machines not being scheduled if those hosts are already busy. Use scheduling rules with caution and always test the rules before using in production.

Scheduler requirements expressions

Scheduling an individual virtual machine or template to a host can be done by adding requirements to the template or virtual machine.

To schedule to a virtual machine to a host:


Likewise, scheduling a virtual machine to a datastore can also be done. This is only possible when there are multiple datastores available, such as clusters with both HDD and SSD Datastores attached.

To schedule a virtual machine to a datastore:


Network interfaces can also be scheduled to pick appropriate virtual networks. For virtual machines, this can be done by setting labels for the security levels of your networks:

NIC = [ NETWORK_MODE = "auto",

An expression is a combination of VARIABLE relating to the compute node, network or datastore, along with an operator and a value to compare against.

Operator meaning
= equal to
!= not equal to
> greater than
< less than
@> array contains

Values can be strings, numbers or arrays of values.

Expressions can be joined together:

form meaning
( EXPRESSION1 ) nested sub-expression

Schedule on a host with at least 3 idle cores and with more than 2.2 GHz CPU speed:


Scheduler ranking

Scheduling can also be done by picking the top host in a list sorted by a numeric value. The variable used for this numeric ranking is specified in the SCHED_RANK attribute.

For example, to schedule the virtual machine against the compute host with the most available memory:


Values in the ranking can be calculated from multiple variables using arithmetic operations addition +, subtraction -, division / and multiplication *. The compute host with the highest value is selected. Rankings can be inverted by placing a - in front of the variable.

Scheduling and ranking for compute hosts

For example, to prefer compute hosts with the slowest CPU speed:


Or, to prefer compute hosts with a higher percentage of free memory instead of absolute value of free memory:

SCHED_RANK = "FREE_MEMORY / ( MAX_MEM * 1024 * 1024)

Rankings and expressions can be used together in a virtual machine to select a group of hosts then pick the preferred host from that group.

For example, to pick the slowest ARM architecture host in a group for a low-priority task:


Host variables can be chosen from the following list:

Variable Description
ARCH Architecture of the Host CPUs, x86_64 or aarch64.
MODELNAME Model name of the CPU, e.g. AMD EPYC 3251 8-Core Processor.
CPUSPEED Speed in MHz of the Host CPUs.
HOSTNAME Name of host as shown in the dashboard.
MAX_CPU Total CPU shares, equal to number of CPU cores x 100.
MAX_MEM Total memory in GB.
USED_CPU Used CPU shares - % CPU used x number of cores.
USED_MEMORY Used memory in KB.
FREE_CPU Available CPU shares - % CPU idle x number of cores.
FREE_MEMORY Available memory in KB.
CPU_USAGE Total CPU allocated including unused portions.
MEM_USAGE Total memory allocated including unused portions.
NETRX Network traffic received in bytes.
NETTX Network traffic transmitted in bytes.

Scheduling and ranking for datastores

Selection and sorting of datastores is accomplished in a similar manner to compute hosts. To select datastores with at least 100 GB free space to allow for future VM expansion:


Or, to rank datastores by the used capacity:


Datastore variables can be chosen from the following list:

Variable Description
NAME Datastore name - first datastore is called "system".
TOTAL_MB Total capacity in MB.
FREE_MB Free capacity in MB.
USED_MB Used capacity in MB.

Scheduling and ranking for networks

Selecting from a group of networks and filling up the remaining leases before moving on to the next group may be desired:

NIC = [ NETWORK_MODE = "auto",

Network variables can be chosen from the following list:

Variable Description
NAME Virtual network name.
USED_LEASES IP address leases consumed on this network.
VLAN_ID VLAN tag of traffic on this network.

Scheduling groups of virtual machines

Avoid pinning workloads to specific hosts as this reduces the scheduling options for the target workload and may impact the uptime of the application. In general, consider using virtual machine anti-affinity to separate workloads vital to the business and avoid impacts from power or network link failures. Virtual machine affinity can be useful to group workloads requiring very low latency communications, but is usually not required.

Groups of virtual machines in VM Squared can be scheduled relative to each other using VM Groups. This means that scheduling can either bind the virtual machines to the same hosts with affinity or force the virtual machines onto different hosts with anti-affinity.

To create the policy we use the VM Group object. VM Groups consist of roles, which come in four different types:

Virtual machine affinity

Virtual machines with role types will be placed on the same compute hosts.

ROLE = [
    NAME = "co-located-on-same-hosts",

Virtual machine anti-affinity

Virtual machines with matching role types will be placed on different compute hosts.

ROLE = [
    NAME = "spread-across-hosts",

Host affinity

Virtual machines with matching role types will be placed on a specific set of compute hosts.

ROLE = [
    NAME = "only-use-these-hosts",
    HOST_AFFINED = "4,5,6"

Host anti-affinity

Virtual machines with matching role types will be placed to avoid a set of compute hosts.

ROLE = [
    NAME = "avoid-these-hosts",
    HOST_AFFINED = "1,2"

Group to group affinity

Groups with matching role names will be placed on the same hosts.

AFFINED = "co-located-on-same-hosts, group2"

Group to group anti-affinity

Groups with matching role names will be placed on different hosts.

ANTI_AFFINED = "avoid-these-hosts, only-use-these-hosts"

Linking the VM group policies to virtual machines and templates

Once the VM group is created the virtual machines and templates are linked to it using the VMGROUP field:

VMGROUP = [ VMGROUP_NAME = "app group 1", ROLE = "database" ]

Custom variables in expressions and rankings

Any system label is usable for scheduling but user-created labels can also be selected.

An example use case for this might be to add a label to compute hosts according to the rack containing them. For virtual machines, a RACK_ID field could be added and each compute host given a value according to where it had been installed. Then, a workload could either be limited to a single rack to avoid network traffic between racks, or use anti-affinity to spread a workload across several racks at once.