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Virtual Data Centers (VDCs)

Virtual Data Centers (VDCs) define the assignment of one or more groups to a pool of physical resources. The pool consists of resources such as Hosts, Datastores and Virtual Networks.

The default VDC created at installation is a special VDC that allows the use of all physical resources. The "users" group belongs to this VDC and new groups are automatically added to this default VDC.


You can modify the default VDC physical resources, even removing all assignments; however, the default VDC cannot be deleted.

To create a new VDC, navigate to the System → VDCs Menu and click the green + to open the wizard.


Input a Name and optionally a description.

Select a group

Choose one or more groups who will be using resources in the VDC. These groups' users will be able to use the resources chosen for the VDC. Use CTRL/Option for multi-select.


Allocate the desired Physical Resources under the Resources Tab. You must select at least one Resource for each of Datastores, Hosts and Virtual Networks.

Resources are implicitly granted. If no resource is selected under a section then the VDC will have unrestricted access to all resources of that type.

A VDC must always contain at least one Datastore, Host and Network resource. To remove access to resources the Group should be removed from the Default VDC.

Virtual Data Centers add flexibility to the cloud environment and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating a Super-Cluster, where multiple Clusters can be combined, pooling physical resources that normally wouldn't combine; or obversely, the resources can be partitioned and roped-off to limit what Groups or Users have access to use.

In this case we limit access to only one virtual network to in this VDC.

Create Virtual Data Center