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Virtual Data Centers (VDCs)

Please ensure that you have created Users and Groups before starting this section.

Virtual Data Centers

Before the VDCs can be created, the Virtual Networks (VNets) must be set up. For more information on VDCs and VNets, follow the links below:

Virtual Data Centers

Virtual Networks

Virtual Networks

A VNet will be set up for each of the three VDCs. The one for the Public VDC will be shown in detail; the other two are constructed in a similar fashion. The process in this example involves creating three new non-routeable networks.

Name Group Owner Network Address First IP Size VLAN
Public_VDC_VNet Public_VDC PublicVDCAdmin 200 0
Private_VDC_VNet Private_VDC PrivateVDCAdmin 200 0
  1. Select Network --> Virtual Networks
  2. Click green + button to create a new Virtual Network
  3. Set name and VLAN as shown in the table and click Next
  4. In the Addresses pane add an Address Range
    1. First IP address as shown
    2. Size as shown
  5. In Context pane
    1. Network address as shown
    2. Network mask is
  6. Click Finish

  7. The Information and Ownership for the VNet will resemble the image below:

    Virtual network list

Virtual Data Centers

Once the Groups, Users, and Virtual Networks have been set up, the VDCs can be created. The instructions to create the DMZ VDC are detailed below:

  1. Select System --> VDCs
  2. Click green + button and edit the information under the General tab
  3. Input the Name DMZ_VDC
  4. Use the description "DMZ VDC"

    Virtual Datacenter general config

  5. Switch to the Groups tab and select the DMZ_VDC group

    Virtual Datacenter group config

  6. Switch to the Resources tab and select the following options:

    Tab Option(s)
    Clusters Access to all Clusters
    Hosts Access to all Hosts
    VNets Select the DMZ_VDC_VNet
    Datastores Access to all Datastores

    Virtual Datacenter datastore resource

    Virtual Datacenter host resource

    Virtual Datacenter virtual network resource

  7. Click next and then the Finish button to finalize the creation of the VDC.

    The mappings of the VDCs are as below:

    Name Group VNet
    Private_VDC Private_VDC Private_VDC_VNet
    Public_VDC Public_VDC Public_VDC_VNet

    Make sure you select access to all hosts and datastores for all VDCs.

    The completed VDC list will resemble the image below:

    Virtual Datacenter list