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Additional Security

VM Squared follows the "secure by default" design principle and does not open unnecessary or run insecure services. If Security is one of your main concerns here are items you may want to update to lock down the system

Modifying Defaults

To improve security the default objects in VM Squared should be modified to restrict the level of access provided by default to new VMs and users.

  • Default Security Group
    • Remove Allow All inbound and Allow All outbound
    • prevent new VMs getting unrestricted access to networks
  • Default VDC
    • Remove uneccessary resources
    • prevent new users getting unrestricted access to resources

Audit logging

Logging from the VM Squared system is sent via syslog, so ensure that you have setup a valid syslog endpoint in the cluster management menu.

Access controls

LDAP login can help integrate VM Squared into your existing authentication systems.