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Upgrade the Cluster

Upgrading VM Squared

The VM Squared upgrade process is principally managed by the dashboard console

The upgrade is executed once and applied cluster-wide.

Upgrading a VM Squared cluster is performed in 3 steps:

  1. Load the upgrade bundle into the filestore
  2. Apply the upgrade
  3. Reboot the cluster for the changes to take effect

VM Squared does not support upgrading from Partner Beta version 1 or 2

To move deployments currently running the Partner Beta version 1 or 2: - Wipe all existing nodes before - Performing a clean install of the current release

Note: Partner Beta version 1 or 2 may be identified by logging into the Web console where an info banner will report that the license key expired on 27-MAY-2024

Loading the upgrade bundle

Launch Glasshouse and oad the upgrade bundle into the file store for the VM Squared cluster.

First, navigate to the file list, Click Storage > Files :


Next, click on the green + dropdown button to create a new file.

  • Input the Name.
  • Select the Type to be Context (which is the default).
  • Input the URL to the upgrade bundle or select a file to upload directly.


Click next and select the datastore to upload the upgrade bundle file into.


Click Finish and the new upgrade bundle file will appear in the storage file list.


Apply the upgrade

To apply the upgrade the user must log into the Dashboard Console.

From the dashboard console type upgrade and follow the prompts.


Upgrading VM Squared is not reversible.

VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> upgrade

  *   Upgrade VM Squared     *
  *  This is not reversible  *

Continue? (type yes to continue): yes

Available Images:
 1:  upgrade.bundle

Enter the number of an image to use  (Ctrl-C to cancel):

Reboot the cluster

After applying the upgrade the final step is to reboot the whole cluster.

To reboot the cluster the user must log into the Dashboard Console.

From the dashboard console type cluster-reboot.


Rebooting the cluster will halt the dashboard and it may take some time for the dashboard to be reinitialized.

Hosts will be restart one by one during the upgrade. Your VMs will be migrated as hosts are rebooted and the cluster will continue to operate normally.

After the upgrade has completed, logout and reconnect any Glasshouse browser sessions.

VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> cluster-reboot
Proceeding will reboot the cluster. Virtual
machines will be live migrated and a rolling
reboot will occur.

Do you wish to continue? (Y/N):