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Update License

The VM Squared license can be viewed or updated either through the Cloud Management GUI or the Dashboard Console

Dashboard will reboot every few minutes unless a valid license is present. This is intended behavior!


  • Have followed the steps in Installation and have a working VM Squared cluster.
  • Can log in to the Cloud Management GUI or the Dashboard Console.

Managing the License

Cloud Management GUI

The VM Squared license can be viewed and updated from the Cloud Management GUI:

  1. Open a new browser tab and navigate to https://<dashboard_ip>/cloudmanagement/
  2. Paste the license into the Cluster License File text box.
  3. Click the Update Cluster Configuration button to apply.

Cluster Mgmt GUI

Dashboard Console

The VM Squared license can also be viewed and updated from the dashboard console using the manage-license command.

  1. Once an appropriate SSH key had been added the Cluster SSH Authorized Keys, login to the dashboard console: ssh root@<dashboard IP>
  2. use the manage-license command to view and update the license information.
VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-license
0. Exit
1. Show license file
2. Update license file
Select an option:

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