Network Concepts
Networks in VM Squared
VM Squared uses several traffic types:
Cluster traffic
Turbine and Glasshouse exchange cluster traffic to coordinate VM management. Cluster traffic does not interact with anything outside of the VM Squared cluster and uses private IPv6 addressing. Cluster traffic does not require a gateway and cannot be used to reach external services.
Glasshouse traffic
Glasshouse interacts with external clients via the IP address configured when the cluster is setup. Glasshouse interfaces with the default, untagged, VLAN. This allows VM Squared to be used without VLAN tagging and simplifies setup. Glasshouse uses its own network and does not share settings with Virtual Networks.
Virtual Networks
Virtual Networks are used to carry VM traffic. By default "Infrastructure Management Network" is added which uses the untagged default VLAN on hosts.
Additional Virtual Networks can be added to target additional VLANs across your hosts. Virtual Networks can include IPv4 or IPv6 addressing information including blocks of address reservations. Virtual Networks can enforce bandwidth usage restrictions. Virtual Machines inherit network configurations from their Virtual Network's Context. Firewall rules are managed by Security Groups which can limit IP traffic types, protocols, or destinations.