This command is used to upgrade the VM Squared cluster
VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> upgrade
* Upgrade VM Squared *
* This is not reversible *
Continue? (type yes to continue):
Type yes
to continue.
Continue? (type yes to continue): yes
Available Images:
1: upgrade-5-1.bundle
Enter the number of an image to use (Ctrl-C to cancel):
Select the upgrade bundle to install:
Enter the number of an image to use (Ctrl-C to cancel): 1
Proceeding with image: upgrade.bundle
Continue? (type yes to continue): yes
Installing upgrade...
Warning: Permanently added 'se-storage' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Expunged hot patch "upgradeDistribution_1_0" as indicated in /var/lib/one//datastores/2/0db139adecf21f8b1e48520b2e9cb413