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Allows the user to view the dashboard admin user's password that was either supplied at installation or left to auto-generate, and change if desired.

VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-admin-password
1. Show admin password
2. Update admin password
3. Exit
Select an option:

Retrieve password

To retrieve the current password select option 1

VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-admin-password 
0. Exit
1. Show admin password
2. Update admin password
Select an option: 1
Admin password:

Set new password

To set a new password select option 2.

Assigning a new cluster admin password required the Orchestrator to restart. This may take several minutes.

0. Exit
1. Show admin password
2. Update admin password
Select an option: 2
Enter new admin password:
Restarting the Orchestrator...

Finally, validate the new password:

VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-admin-password 
0. Exit
1. Show admin password
2. Update admin password
Select an option: 1
Admin password: