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This command is used to reboot the entire VM Squared cluster. A rolling reboot of the whole cluster will be initiated during which Virtual machines will be live migrated.

VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> cluster-reboot
Proceeding will reboot the cluster. Virtual
machines will be live migrated and a rolling
reboot will occur.

Do you wish to continue? (Y/N):

select yes (Y)

Do you wish to continue? (Y/N): y
Rebooting process started in the background (pid=84111), watching log file:
Waiting for Storage to become healthy: . OK
Moving all VMs off "si-overlapped-2": kick... 0... empty.
Rebooting si-overlapped-2 (si-overlapped-2)... si-overlapped-2 (si-overlapped-2):DOWN........... si-overlapped-2 (si-overlapped-2):UP... done.
Waiting for Storage to become healthy: .......... OK
Enabling "si-overlapped-2": kick.................. UP
Moving all VMs off "si-overlapped-3": kick... 0... empty.
Rebooting si-overlapped-3 (si-overlapped-3)... si-overlapped-3 (si-overlapped-3):DOWN............ si-overlapped-3 (si-overlapped-3):UP... done.