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Console Overview

This section of VM Squared documentation will outline the available commands that can be utilized on the dashboard or host's consoles.

Typing help into the dashboard console will bring up the VM Squared Help Menu, which lists the dashboard and cluster commands available.

VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> help
VMsquared Help Menu:
Dashboard Commands: 
  cluster-reboot           - Reboot the entire cluster
  decom-node               - Decommission Node Tool
  manage-admin-password    - Manage admin password for management frontend
  manage-catalyst-ssh-keys - Manage SSH keys for catalyst
  manage-ldap              - Manage LDAP or AD configuration
  manage-networking        - Manage external networking (Beta)
  manage-nfs               - Manage NFS datastores (Beta)
  manage-tls-certificate   - Manage TLS certificates for frontend
  sifi                     - SoftIron Federated API Command Line Tool
  ssh                      - Log into backend nodes from the management node
  upgrade                  - Upgrade the cluster
  vmsquared                - VMsquared Unified Command Line Tool

All Other Commands: 
  cluster-manage           - Manage cluster management IP settings
  expert                   - Enter expert mode (under direction of support only)
  halt                     - Halt the node
  help                     - Display this help menu
  image                    - Manage software defined storage block devices
  manage-cluster-name      - Manage cluster name
  manage-disk-encryption   - Manage full disk encryption configuration
  manage-license           - Manage VMsquared license file
  manage-ssh-keys          - Manage SSH keys for management frontend
  reboot                   - Reboot the node
  setterm                  - Set terminal attributes
  show-current-config      - Show Current Dashboard Configuration
  storage                  - Manage software defined storage cluster
  uptime                   - System uptime
  version                  - Show VMsquared version


VM Squared contains multiple commands to interact with the dashboard and individual nodes. Browse a list of commands below for an overview of each, including options and argument formats.

Dashboard-only commands

If connected to the dashboard, the following dashboard commands are available:

cluster-reboot           - Reboot the entire cluster
decom-node               - Decommission Node Tool
manage-admin-password    - Manage admin password for management frontend
manage-catalyst-ssh-keys - Manage SSH keys for catalyst
manage-ldap              - Manage LDAP or AD configuration
manage-networking        - Manage external networking
manage-nfs               - Manage NFS datastores
manage-tls-certificate   - Manage TLS certificates for frontend
sifi                     - SoftIron Federated API Command Line Tool
ssh                      - Log into backend nodes from the management node
upgrade                  - Upgrade the cluster
vmsquared                - VMsquared Unified Command Line Tool

Host-only commands

If connected to host console, the following host commands are available:

dashboard-console     - Access dashboard console (if running on this node)
manage-iscsi          - Configure iSCSI initiator for this host (Beta)
vm                    - Manually manage VMs running on this node

Universal commands

The following commands can be accessed from both the dashboard and individual nodes

cluster-manage          - Manage cluster management IP settings
expert                  - Enter expert mode (under direction of support only)
halt                    - Halt the node
help                    - Display this help menu
image                   - Manage software defined storage block devices
manage-cluster-name     - Manage cluster name
manage-disk-encryption  - Manage full disk encryption configuration
manage-license          - Manage VMsquared license file
manage-ssh-keys         - Manage SSH keys for management frontend
reboot                  - Reboot the node
setterm                 - Set terminal attributes
show-current-config     - Show Current Dashboard Configuration
storage                 - Manage software defined storage cluster
uptime                  - System uptime
version                 - Show VMsquared version