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Access-control lists


hypercloud acl - manages HyperCloud ACLs


hypercloud acl <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of HyperCloud xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                              For example: $hypercloud acl list --expand
                              name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                              group 60%. $hypercloud acl list --expand name,group will
                              expand name and group based on its size.
                              $hypercloud vm list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                              column=value pairs. Valid operators
                              =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ e.g. NAME=test (match name with
                              test) NAME~test (match every NAME containing the
                              substring 'test')
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                              Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with HyperCloud
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. For example:
                              $ hypercloud acl list --size "USER=20" will make column
                              USER size 20.
--user name               User name used to connect to HyperCloud
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • create <user|rulestr> [<resource>] [<rights>] Adds a new ACL rule.

  • delete <range> Deletes an existing ACL rule.

  • list Lists the ACL rule set.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager operator size xml yaml

Argument Formats

  • aclid_list Comma-separated list of HyperCloud ACL names or IDs.

  • file Path to a file.

  • range List of ID's in the form 1,8..15.

  • text String.


HyperCloud Orchestrator

Copyright © SoftIron