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Creating Templates

VM Templates

If you have built a custom image for a HyperCloud app, you'll need to create a VM Template to define the image and any context variables needed.

In HyperCloud, go to Templates > VMs, and Create a new Template.


General tab

  • Fill in the Name, and Description
  • Set the Memory and CPU values to the recommended values for your app.


Storage tab

  • Select your customized image.


Context tab

  • Tick Add SSH Contextualization, if SSH access will be needed.
  • Tick Add Network contextualization
  • Tick Add OneGate Token if onegate access is needed (this is required for one-context-refresh )

  • Under 'User Inputs', Create the context variables your user should be prompted for on setup.


  • If there are variables that the user does not need to be prompted for, you can add them in Custom Vars.


This is the minimum required for most apps, but there is a lot more configuration in this menu, which you can set if needed.

When you're happy, click Create, to save the template.