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Tenancy Management

HyperCloud is service-provider ready, which means strict tenant separation and granular access controls and permissions.

Out of the box operators can make use of:

  • User and group ACLs: Granular access control lists for users and groups for every resource available across virtualization, containerization, storage, virtual networking, and marketplaces.
  • Accounting toolset: Consistent hypervisor reporting of CPU, memory, storage, and network bandwidth usage per user, which can be linked to cost and billing systems.
  • Showback: Built-in showback systems which enable chargeback and billing for users, groups, and tenants.
  • Resource quotas: Configurable quotas for all resource types, including rate limiting, to restrict user overconsumption of specific constrained cloud resources.
  • Host overcommitment: As is typical in modern cloud platforms, the compute layer can be configured to overcommit CPU and memory resources according to a user's workload.